See The OPCC in Performance
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Oak Park Concert Chorale performing the ‘Motet for the Time of Easter’ by Richard Hillert, a brilliant composer and a great friend to OPCC.
A 2012 interview between Oak Park Concert Chorale Director Paul Lindblad and composer Carl Schalk in which they discuss the music of Richard Hillert and Carl Schalk that appears on the CD set ‘Oak Park Concert Chorale Premières.’ This CD set is available from Oak Park Concert Chorale and as a download from Bandcamp.
‘Gabriel’s Message Does Away’ composed by Carl Schalk in 2020 and recorded virtually for The Oak Park Concert Chorale.
Gaudete, a joint concert on Dec 16, 2018, by Oak Park Concert Chorale and St. John Lutheran Church Choirs, Forest Park IL. This concert is a recreation of the Medieval Celebration of Gaudete, which officially was the beginning of Christmas celebration at the time. Included is original Medieval and Renaissance Carols, and modern settings of the historical texts. The original Gaudete Festival consisted of Tableaux (living statues depicting Christmas stories), Processions with banners, Carols played and sung with circle dancing. This program is the first time this recreation has EVER been attempted in our time, so it represents a musical landmark!