Support the OPCC
Donate to OPCC
OPCC welcomes your support. Your tax-deductible gift will defray operating expenses and help us continue to bring beautiful music to the communities we serve. Your gift will also receive special acknowledgment in our concert program.
Thank you for supporting the Oak Park Concert Chorale!
We offer traditional donation options:
Guarantor | $1000 and over |
Benefactor | $500-$999 |
Patron | $250-$499 |
Donor | $100-$249 |
Partner | $50-$99 |
Friend | up to $49 |
Perhaps you are employed by a company that will match your contribution.
Donate via PayPal
Click the Donate button below to donate to The Oak Park Concert Chorale through PayPal. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and bank account transfers.
Advertise in our Program Book
Another way to support OPCC is to purchase an advertisement in our concert program. Each ad runs for two semesters and reaches an average of over 300 audience members. Ad materials must be camera ready, electronic copy is accepted. Contact us at: Thank you very much!
Cover (inside or outside) | 7 1/4″H x 4 1/4″W | $200 |
Full Page | 7 1/4″H x 4 1/4″W | $150 |
Half Page | 3 3/4″H x 4 1/4″W | $75 |
Quarter Page | 1 3/4″H x 4 1/4″W | $50 |
Business Card | 1 3/4″H x 3 1/2″W | $40 |